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The government discontinued 44 lakh plus ration cards 2020

 The government discontinued 44 lakh ration cards 2020

The government discontinued 44 lakh ration cards | News :- The government has discontinued 43 lakh 90 thousands phony and uncataloged ration cards of public diffusion systems PDS. The administration has seized this point so that the capable beneficiaries can live provided subsidized foodgrains on the purpose on the national food security Act. Ahead in 2013, a huge number of duplicate ration cards cheatings came to light.

◾️The government abolished 44 lakh ration cards

◾️ Decision seized to provide magistrate to right beneficiarie

◾️ Duplicate ration cards scams also appeared in 2013

You can easily check Ration Card list and BPL list bpl suchi using this amazing BPL List aap

App Features :-
- New BPL Ration card list
- BPL card no check
- Souchalay List
- IRDP program and IRDP List
- BPL number check (bpl no check)
- BPL List 2019
- Find BPL and Ration card no (number) and name check
- NREGA Job Card
- Ration card list
- Ration card online list is available here
- E ration card status check
- IRDP Srmis
- BPL suchi 2020 west bengal
- BPL checklist helps you find your BPL List or Ration card number
-BPL suchi list (my ration card list) 2019-20

Find Your name State, District, Block, Panchayat,Village wise.Old list 2018 2019 is also available.This app supports ration card and bpl list degitalization.This digital ration card also provide list of BPL list 2019-21 and Ration card list 2019 -21. 

Nearly 81.35 crore people's advantage for NFSA. That is two thirds of country's community. Approximately 800 million people presently received 5 kg of foodgrains per month under the prime minister's poor welfare food scheme. The government can expand the scheme. The scheme was inaugurated in march 2020 to combat the corona epidemic.

◾️ grains are accessible at extremely reasonable price


Founded on NFSA, "we disseminate 42 million tonnes of foodgrains at subsidized rates. The official announced," 2 rupees per kg for wheat and 3 rupees per kg of rice. Forward the purpose of PMGKAY. 32 million tonnes of free foodgrains are disseminated every month. The diffusion is established on both these Schemes in the corona.

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