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GOI Digital Celendar

 GOI has everything you need in a calendar app:It provides an excellent overview of your appointments, it’s easy to use and it gives you powerful tools to create and manipulate your events.


▪Quick Day View: for a fast overview of all events of the day

▪Favorite Bar: for direct access to all your calendars

▪smooth scroll and zoom: for better, intuitive interaction

Customization down to the last detail

▪adapt all views & widgets to your liking

▪individual reminders with vibration, sounds, repetitions, intervals, LED

▪adjustable font sizes for the app & widgets


▪month, week, day, agenda and event view

▪color-coded year view

▪scroll- and zoomable multi-day view (1-14 days)

▪easy switching between timeline bars and event titles in month view

▪search function

▪sync your events with Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Exchange etc. using the Android calendar synchronization

▪professional widgets for month, week, agenda and day view

intuitive handling: just move your finger over some days of interest in month view to open them in multi-day view

▪many options for recurrent events (e.g. an event that takes place every other week on Tuesday and Thursday)

Download Digital Calendar

▪birthday calendar

▪context-sensitive help system to optimize your workflow

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